T h e Senior In te rna t i o na l S t u d e n t Ad v is o r will ad v is e a large and c o m pli c a t ed c a s e l o a d o f n o ni m m igran t in t e rna t i o na l st ud e n ts an d t h e i r d e p e nd e n t f a m il y m e m b e r s i n r e l a t i o n t o o b t ainin g an d m ain t ainin g v ali d i m m igra t i o n st a t u s, b e n e f i ts o f c e r t a i n visa c las s ifi c a t i o n s an d o t h er r e gula t o r y r e quir e m e n ts. T h e Senior In te rna t i o na l S t ud e n t Ad v i s o r will assist ISSO management with training new employees, drafting team procedures and web content as well as with student and department outreach initiatives. The Senior International Student Advisor will be assigned student processing cases and duties that require substantial expertise with student immigration regulations.
The Senior International Student Advisor will s e r v e a s l i ais o n t o a s s ign ed sc h oo l s a n d c o ll e g e s to pr o v id e a d v an ced i m m igra t i o n r e la ted a d v i ce an d a ss is t an ce t o fa c u l ty an d a d m inis t r a t o r s r e gardin g in te rna t i o n a l st ud e n t r e gula t i o n s. T h e Senior In te rna t i o na l S t u d e n t Ad v is o r will se r v e a s Des igna t ed S c h o o l O ff i c ia l t o F - 1 st u d e n ts an d Al te rn a te Res p o n s ibl e O ffi c er t o J- 1 s t ud e n ts t o p e r f o r m n o ni m m ig r an t F- 1 an d J- 1 p r o c e s s ing , mo n i t o r s da ta an d r e p o r ts e v e n ts a s m anda t e d b y f e d e ra l r e gula t i o n .
The Senior International Student Advisor will report to the Associate Director for Student Services but will also assist the Assistant Director for Student Services and the ISSO management team with student processing and projects.
Essential Functions:
Counsel and advise nonimmigrant students and their families in relation to university policy and regulatory requirements. (20%)
Serve as Designated School Official and Alternate Responsible Officer in Student Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) and maintain expertise in F-1 and J-1 nonimmigrant student regulations to ensure institutional compliance. Maintain expertise in a variety electronic systems and databases to record, monitor and report data and events mandated by federal regulations. Perform detailed data reconciliation to maintain accurate data and to monitor and report immigration related events to federal agencies. (10%)
Perform complex, multi-step immigration-related processing with students and their dependent family members as they apply for immigration benefits including responding to requests for evidence from government entities. Follow procedures to communicate with SEVIS Help Desk to resolve data irregularities to ensure accurate data is reflected in all records. (20%)
Serve as liaison to deans, department heads, faculty and administrators in assigned schools and colleges. Develop and maintain an in-depth knowledge of the academic programs, as well as relevant policies and procedures within each assigned school/college in order to apply immigration regulations accordingly. Provide excellent customer service, outreach services to stakeholders, as well as cross-cultural and regulatory workshops to students, faculty and administrators within the assigned schools and colleges. (10%)
Perform complex immigration duties which may include, but are not limited to, STEM OPT processing, OPT reporting, correction of status advising, change of status advising, dual student/scholar clients, sponsored students etc. Assist with initiatives such stakeholder communication, workshops, new procedure development, manual updates/development, website maintenance, lead/facilitate advising trainings, investigate unusual cases and, after resolving, follow up with student team as a training exercise (40%)
Required Skills
A cover letter is required for consideration.
+ M asters degree r e quir e d i n t h e f i e l d o f in t e r c ul t ura l c om m uni c a t i o n , in te rna t i o na l r e la t i o n s, a d v isin g
+ M ini m u m o f 5 y e ar s o f ex p e ri e n ce i n f o r e ig n st ud e n t o r sc h o la r a d v isin g
+ Demonstrated success in advising a large, diverse international student population
+ Expert knowledge of SEVIS and student immigration regulations
+ Exceptional anal y t i c a l an d p r o bl em - s o l v in g sk ill s to m anag e , anal y z e an d r e s o l v e c om p li c a ted i mm igr a t i o n c a ses r e quir ed
+ Sup e ri o r c o mm uni c a t i o n s k ill s to e du c a t e st ud e n t s, u n i ve r s i t y f a c ul ty an d ad m ini s t ra t o r s o n m a t t e r s p e r t ainin g t o n o n i m m igran t r e gula t i o n s an d i n st i t u t i o na l p o li c i e s
+ Abili ty t o und e r st and , in te r pr et an d f o ll o w c o m pl ex g o v e r n m e n t r e gula t i o n s an d i n st i t u t i o na l p o li c i es to n o n-na t i v e s p e a ke r s o f t h e E nglis h langua g e
+ Abili ty t o m ain t ai n d e t ail ed i m m igra t i o n r e c o rd s, p e r f o r m in t ri c a t e i m m igra t i o n pr o cess in g an d e n s ur e in st i t u t i o na l c o m pl i an ce w i th st ud e n t i m m igr a t i o n r e gula t i o n s
+ P a t i e n c e, pr o f e ss i o nali s m an d hig h l e v el o f s e n s i t i v i ty w h en a d v isin g st ud e n ts i n c ri s i s r e quir ed
+ Abili ty t o fa c ili t a te c r o ss - c u l t ura l t raining s, d e l i v er e ff e ct i ve gr o u p pr e se n t a t i o n s a n d w o rk e ff ect i v e l y i n a te a m s ett i n g r e quir ed
+ Adh e r e n ce t o B o s t o n Uni v e r s i tys c o m plian ce p o li c i es an d guid e lin es; se n s i t i v i ty t o highl y c o nfid e n t ia l m a t e ria l r e quir ed
+ This position must clear CORI screening as well as standard HR background check in accordance with federal regulations
We are an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, natural or protective hairstyle, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, military service, pregnancy or pregnancy-related condition, or because of marital, parental, or veteran status. We are a VEVRAA Federal Contractor .
Required Experience
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